Term 1 Week 4 - Thursday 27 February 2025
Principal's Message
This week’s Gospel:
Luke 6 : 27-38
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, “But I say to you who hear Me : Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who treat you badly. To the one who strikes you on the cheek, turn the other cheek; from the one who takes your coat, do not keep back your shirt. Give to the one who asks, and if anyone has taken something from you, do not demand it back.”
“Do to others as you would have others do to you. If you love only those who love you, what kind of grace is yours? Even sinners love those who love them. If you do favours to those who are good to you, what kind of grace is yours? Even sinners do the same. If you lend only when you expect to receive, what kind of grace is yours? For sinners also lend to sinners, expecting to receive something in return.
But love your enemies and do good to them, and lend when there is nothing to expect in return. Then will your reward be great, and you will be sons and daughters of the Most High. For He is kind toward the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”
“Do not be a judge of others and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven; give and it will be given to you, and you will receive in your sack good measure, pressed down, full and running over. For the measure you give will be the measure you receive back.”
School Fete
We are just over 2 weeks away from our school fete. There has been a great deal of planning and preparation and it promises to be another awesome day. Thank you to Sara Tonna, Kerrin Henderson and all involved in the organisation. I know that we have circulated the link to helpers jobs for the day. There are plenty of opportunities where you can assist for an hour or for the whole day. The funds raised will enable us to add to our oval refurbishment fund which will be the envy of many other schools.
Year 5/ 6 Camp 2026 – Save the date
18 – 20 February. Please pencil those dates into your 2026 calendar.
FETE Mufti Day – tomorrow
Walk with Jesus
Our wonderful Year 6 students and staff were involved in a retreat experience on Monday with a team of Youth Ministers. We were congratulated, by the facilitators for the openness of our students, their high level of engagement and the positive manner way they worked with each other.
Cyber Safety
For a while, I have been following - raisingchildren.net.au which is an Australian parenting website. Although my children are now grown up, I have found this website and the many webinairs, information sheets and resources, helpful in providing up to date resources in relation to today’s youth. I would encourage you to visit the site and see if there is anything that aligns with what your situation may need. They are also currently referencing the documentary – The Role of a Lifetime, which is currently being shown on the ABC and ABC iview. Some very interesting topics are also being explored. If nothing else, you may realise that there are many other parents who are facing the same challenges as you.
Thank you for your continued support
Important Dates
Week 4 | Friday 28 February | Year 4 assembly 2:15pm |
Friday 28 February | Fete Mufti Day | |
Friday 28 February | Uniform shop open 2:30 - 3:30pm | |
Week 5 | Monday 3 March | Swimming carnival ribbon presentation 8:50am |
Wednesday 5 March | Ash Wednesday 12pm | |
Week 6 | Monday 10 March | Canberra Day Public Holiday |
Friday 14 March | School Fees Due | |
Saturday 15 March | School Fete | |
Week 8 | Monday 24 March | Athletics Carnival |
Tuesday 25 March | Feast of the Annunciation | |
Friday 28 March | Year 2 Assembly 2:15pm | |
Week 10 | Friday 11 April | Pupil Free Day |
Happy Birthday to
Billy M, Evie P, Henry E, Penny W, Arabella H, Erin C, Grace SC, Mehr A, Vivian S, Tirzah J, Heidi B.
School News
Celebrating 50 years of St Jude's
This year St Jude's will be celebrating 50 years. Click the link below to watch our video.
School Fees
School fees have now been sent out. If you have not received them please contact the office. If you are setting up recurring BPay payments please ensure all is paid up by 5 December.
RE News
Year 6 Representation of Hope

ELC News
Happy Birthday to Darcy G
This week the ELC children met their St Jude’s year five buddies. The buddy program is a favourite for the preschoolers and big kids alike. Over the year we aim to meet up once a fortnight to learn and play together. The year fives also play a role in our transition to primary school. We will meet our St John Vianney’s buddies later this term.
Stingray Educators
This week we farewelled Mr R and next week we will welcome back Mrs Kajsa Aquilina who is returning to the ELC after maternity leave.
Project Compassion Donations
During Lent, we learn about the importance of doing kind things for others. We will participate in Project Compassion, which raises funds to help people living in poverty across the world. ELC families are invited to donate. Project Compassion boxes are located on the prayer table in each classroom, children will be able to contribute during morning class prayer.
ELC Healthy Harold Excursion – Tuesday 11 March
The Stingrays and Turtles will catch the bus to St John Vianney’s on 11 March to meet their SJV buddies and participate in the Healthy Harold program. Please return your permission notes as soon as possible. The cost is $21.50 which has been added to your fee statement.
ELC Parent Representative
Turtle class – Emily Nussio (Jude’s mum)
Stingray class – Jessica Knight (Isla’s mum)
Lobster class – Lynda Carmody (Archer’s mum)
You will receive an email from them shortly introducing themselves.

St Jude’s Fete – Saturday 15 March
Our school fete is a great family day out and a wonderful opportunity to connect with the school community. We are currently seeking donations for the Plant Stall and Trash and Treasure, as well as sponsors and volunteers. See the Fete section of this newsletter for more information. Donations can be dropped in the tub in the ELC foyer.
Calling Volunteers!
Many hands make light work and a great community. To volunteer an hour or so of your time, please go to https://volunteersignup.org/FLHJM and go the ELC Hairspray stall (or any other stall you would like to volunteer for).
Mufti Day – This Friday 28 February
Mufti Day (non-uniform day) is this Friday 28February for the Turtles and Lobsters. The aim is to collect supplies and donations for our fete stall. Children are invited to wear plain clothes and we ask that you donate a can of coloured hairspray and a gold coin.
Library News
Sora App
Sora is an app and web-based platform that allows our Year 4-6 students to access thousands of e-books, e-magazines and audio books at school and at home.
Our Year 4-6 students have had time during library lessons to become familiar with Sora. They can access Sora on devices at home, with parent's permission.
The website is https://soraapp.com/welcome or you can download the Sora app for free from the App Store.
Students will need to search for Australian Catholic Education Network instead of St Jude's. They will need to input their school username and password to access Sora.
Let me know if you have any issues.
Happy reading!
Mrs Hind
Sports News
Swimming Carnival Ribbon Presentation:
Ribbons will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall placegetters for the 50m events at Monday's morning assembly. (March 3). Parents are invited to attend. Full list of 50m placegetters below. Notes for the South Weston Carnival to be held at the Australian Institute of Sport on Friday April 4 will be coming home next week.
South Weston Carnivals for 2025
Swimming - Friday 4 April at Institute of Sport
Cross Country - 3 June at Stromlo
Track and Field (Athletics) - 21 August at Woden Park Phillip
ACT Championships for 2025
Swimming - 6 May at Australian Institute of Sport
Cross Country - 13 June at Stromlo
Track and Field (Athletics) - 16 September at Australian Institute of Sport
St Jude's Swimming Carnival Results
50m Freestyle
12 Year Boys | 1. Lucas K 2. Johan M 3. Evan R |
11 Years Boys | 1. Will R 2. Ben B 3. Noah R |
10 Years Boys | 1. Connor H 2. Charlie C 3. Archie R |
9 Years Boys | 1. Max D |
8 Years Boys | 1. Santiago G 2. Jack M |
50m Backstroke
12 Years Boys | 1. Lucas K 2. Lachlan K 3. Evan R |
11 Years Boys | 1. Will R 2. Michael L 3. Ben B |
10 Years Boys | 1. Connor H 2. Michael F 3. Miguel G |
9 Years Boys | 1. Lucas E 2. Max D |
8 Years Boys | 1. Santiago G |
50m Breaststroke
12 years Boys | 1. Lucas K 2.Lachlan K 3. Seb C |
11 Years Boys | 1. Will R 2. Noah R 3. Ben B |
10 Years Boys | 1. Michael F 2. Charlie C 3. Miguel G |
8 Years Boys | 1 . Santiago G |
50m Butterfly
12 Years Boys | 1. Lucas K |
11 Years Boys | 1. Will R |
10 Years Boys | 1. Michael F 2. Sam P |
50m Freestyle
12 Years Girls | 1. Ashley T 2. Sadie S 3. Marlia B |
11 Years Girls | 1. Maddie G 2. Isabel G 3. Ava L C |
10 Years Girls | 1. Amy R 2. Hannah H 3. Ariella B |
9 Years Girls | 1. Clara S 2. Vivian S 3. Sophie C |
8 Years Girls | 1. Isla LC 2. Rubi-Jean B |
50m Backstroke
12 Years Girls | 1. Cleo E 2. Marlia B 3. Abby M |
11 Yeas Girls | 1. Maddy G 2. Isabel G 3. Scarlett O |
10 Years Girls | 1. Amy R 2. Georgia D 3. Hannah H |
9 Years Girls | 1. Clara S 2. Vivian S 3. Sophie C |
8 Years Girls | 1. Rubi-Jean B |
50m Breaststroke
12 Years Girls | 1. Sadie S 2. Eve L 3. Aimee Z |
11 Years Girls | 1. Isabel G 2. Maddy G 3. Annie W |
10 Years Girls | 1. Amy R 2. Annabel S 3. Ariella B |
9 Years Girls | 1. Clara S 2. Vivian S 3. Jemima |
50m Butterfly
12 Years Girls | 1. Ashley T |
11 Years Girls | 1. Maddy G |
10 Years Girls | 1. Amy R |
9 Years Girls | 1. Clara S 2. Vivian S |
Mulleyduds Uniform Shop
Uniform shop will be next open tomorrow, Friday 28 February from 2:30pm-3:30pm.
For second hand requests please email to: uniform.stjudes@gmail.com. Please include your child’s name and classroom for us to deliver to. **Please do not make payment for secondhand items, until we reply to your request confirming stock is available.
Mulleygrub Cafe News
Canteen Volunteers week 5
Wednesday 5 March - Antonella, & two more volunteers please
Thursday 6 March - Carlie, Julie & one more volunteer please
Friday 28 February - Gemma, Emily, & two more volunteer please
We are needing volunteers for canteen to be able to operate. Please contact office.stjudes@cg.catholic.edu.au or complete the attached form and return to the office.
Fete News

Mufti Day Tomorrow - Friday
Children are invited to wear casual clothes (non-uniform) to school on Friday 28 February, bring a gold coin and an item to donate. See attached flyer about what items each year group needs to bring in.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteer opportunities for our St Jude's Fete 2025 are now open. To run a successful fete, we need your help. Every family is encouraged to help on the day. Follow this link to sign up
(or copy this link to your brower https://volunteersignup.org/FLHJM)
Many hands make light work!
Raffle Ticket Sales
Check out our online raffle and get your tickets now so you don't miss out.
Follow this link to purchase your tickets
(or copy this link to your browser https://www.raffletix.com.au/?ref=a8gfv)
Terms and Conditions Apply - ACT R 25/00033
Trash and Treasure Drop Off
Items can be dropped to the front office at the ELC or Primary School at any time or to the Storage Shed at the following times:
- Saturday 1 March 9.30-10.30am
- Sunday 2 March 9.30-10.30am
- Saturday 8 March 9.30-10.30am
- Sunday 9 March 9.30-10.30am
- Friday 14 March 9.30-10.30am
Community Council
AGM and Community Council Meeting
The Community Council AGM was held last week. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our outgoing committee members, Nick Fairbairn and Peter Lilley. Their contributions to the council have been invaluable, and we will greatly miss their support, dedication, and sense of humour. Thank you both for your service, and we look forward to the possibility of your return in the future.
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to Luke Howden and Jacinta Croker, our new Deputy Chair and Secretary, respectively. We deeply appreciate your willingness to take on these important roles.
We also want to thank those who were not elected. It is truly inspiring to see so many individuals eager to support the school community.
Parent Representative Network
The parent representative network is comprised of a volunteer parent/carer from each class. Some activities the parent rep may undertake include:
- Help the children celebrate their teacher’s birthday and organise an end of year gift
- Welcome new and farewell leaving families
If you are interested in volunteering for your child’s class, please email Stjudes.scc@gmail.com
Fete – 15 March
Preparations are racing ahead. Keep an eye out in the dedicated newsletter section and on Compass for more info.
Many thanks,
Gemma Cabot